Muscle Floss Band
Muscle floss band is an intermittent, compression-based myofascial release and joint mobilization tool. It is very powerful and effective for athletes who are looking to increase range of motion, restore joint mechanics. Compression tack and flossing works on many levels; including re-perfusing tissues that have become stiff after injury, and by compressing swelling out of tissues and joints.
Because the muscle floss band can be used while actually performing the movement the athlete is trying to change, its effect on sliding surface and restoration and tissue mobilization is unmatched. It is really “must have”, essential tool for athletes’ performance. Muscle floss band is designed and engineered specifically for compression-based mobilization technique, although you can use bicycle tire tube as an alternative as well.
How to use it
- Wrap the floss band around the joint or the target tissue with creating a large compression force a few inches above and few inches blow the area
- Move the limb in every direction for a couple of minutes (up to 2 min. if you feel dizziness or discomfort, remove it immediately
- Remove the band
- Move the limb in same way without the band at least once, which increase synovial fluid flow of joints and blood flow
- Gently rub the limb toward lymph node(major lymph node at armpits and groin ) for lympathic flow in order to detoxification
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