Study from movement

Study from Movement

Study from athletes’ movement is one of key to know their condition, finding out if there any issues.
We also use Passive assessment, but no athlete moves passively in the game.
In order to avoid more issues or injuries, quickly finding issues is very important.

At a glance, you would notice that this football player may have low back issue, may be caused from his left hip abductor and muscles balance of around his pelvic and lower limb. His sacro lumbar joint and right sacroiliac joint mobility would be immobile or lower mobility because of the tight muscles and neuromuscular response.   He probably had issue at his left ankle, it might be cured, but which would be the root cause of the low back issue. The athletes may not aware any issues, but there some risks for knee injuries and hip joint issues at this point.

Human body compensates when there some issue(s), which is trying to avoid unpleasant pain or discomfort, and trying to compensate the body with the issue(s). But, resulting that, it could totally unbalance the body even after solve the issue(s).

In order to maximize performance, we need to resolve the issues quickly, faster recovery is necessary, even the athlete is playable. After resolve the issues, bring the body balance back before the issues happen. If there any trauma from the issue, we need to get rid of it.


Our difference - AZSP Bodywork
Our approach is more based on human body science

AZSP Sports Massage

AZSP Sports Massage
Optimize Body Balance & Maximize Athletic Performance

Cupping therapy

Cupping Therapy
increase interstitial spaces, loosen muscles, encourage blood flow and sedate the nervous system

Kinesio Taping

Kinesio Taping
Kinesio Tape helps injury prevention, muscle facilitation, reduce pain, increase circulation, from rehabilitation to performance.

Foot mobility

Foot mobility
The base of your body, foot affect your entire body, knees, hips, spine, neck and shoulders.

Adductor magnus and blood circulation

Adductor magnus and blood circulation
Releasing hip adductors significantly helps increasing blood circulation