Avoid advancing severity from Covid-19 infection

There has been a lot of people infected COVID-19. And as you know, its death rate is higher than influenze virus infection. Also, by increasing infection, we would face lack of hospital beds, which would also risk factor for increasing death rate.

Some COVID-19 infection cases, they don't have any symptoms. It would be really depending on underlying health conditions, they may have, but also oxident saturation condition.

Even no-symptom cases, it could be suddenly changed, because of descreasing cardiovascular system function.
Checking oxident saturation by pulse oximeter is one of key factor in order to know your health condition, advancing severity from COVID-19.
Lower oxdent saturation indicates, less than 95%, that you would need immediate action to get medical treatment as soon as possible.
Also, you need to be careful about following conditions, as well,

  • Lips color turn to blue
  • Bad Face tone

  • Hard to breathe
  • Rapid short breath
  • Not able to breathe when lie down
  • Chest pain
  • Panting

  • Feel drowsy
  • Unconsciousness
  • Irregular pulse

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External Links

CDC Coronavirus self checker
PCR COVID test near me
COVID-19 vaccine finder