Catechin inactivates coronavirus in saliva

Catechin inactivates coronavirus in saliva

Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine announced that catechin contained in green tea has an inactivating effect that reduces the infectivity of the new coronavirus contained in human saliva.

 Even if you drink tea, catechin is hardly absorbed in the blood, so you can not expect an effect on the whole body, but you can expect an effect of reducing the infectious ability of the coronavirus in your mouth.
 Professor Osamu Matsuda of the university graduate school collaborated with Itoen Central Research Institute. The results were published in two European scientific journals this month.
 According to the announcement, when saliva and coronavirus of a healthy person were put in a test tube and tea was added, inactivation was confirmed in about 10 seconds. It is said that catechin first binds to the spike protein that the virus binds to when it invades cells, thereby preventing the invasion.
 Professor Matsuda said, "By putting tea in your mouth for about 10 seconds and then drinking it, you may reduce droplet infections and reduce pandemic."  The study has not verified the effect on mutant strains. The research group is conducting clinical trials in patients with mild corona and aims to publish the results by the end of the year.

It would be good as a manner or an etiquet, to drink green tea before/after talk with somebody, since it helps to prevent bad breath and tooth decay as well.

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