Probiotics - Types and effects of lactic acid bacteria

probiotics - lactic acid bacteria

Today, there have been many research indicated that intestinal health is important for general health. It will bring less bowel issues, such as stomachache, constipations, diarrhea, abnomal intestinal fermentation and so on. As you are athletes, many of you may have experience of pressure from big games, such as championship games, world cup games, olympic games, etc. Among those things, some people may feel bowel issues. Although, if you have such condition, can you focus on the games ? Intestinal health is very related to mental condition as well.
Conditioning your intestines, as well as your mental and physical condition, so that you can focus on what you need to do.

You probably have heard "Lactic acid bacteria are good for health and beauty!". But you may get lost because there are so many types. And depending on type, its effectiveness would be varied.
You are also curious about which food has which type of lactic acid bacteria contained, the variety of lactic acid bacteria contained foods, such as yogurt, kimchee, pickles, etc. There some type of lactic acid bacteria contribute burning fat as well.
Here, we are introducing various types of lactic acid bacteria and their characteristics.

Table of Contents

What is lactic acid bacteria?

"Lactic acid bacteria" is a general term for bacteria that ferment carbohydrates such as sugars to produce a large amount of lactic acid.

The definition of "lactic acid bacteria" includes several characteristics, such as "catalase negative (obtaining energy without using oxygen)" and "producing lactic acid at a rate of 50% or more from consumed sugar".

Even if it is called "lactic acid bacteria", its characteristics vary depending on the bacterial species and strain, from the form of the place where it lives, the resistance to food and salt, the aroma and taste it produces, and the substances it produces. Among them, strains that help for human life have been used since ancient period of times to preserve foods and improve their taste.

Currently, the effectiveness of each strain on the human body have been studied, and the health effects of probiotics have been confirmed and reported.

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