shop supplements - dietary fibers

Dietary fibers are important for your body to stay healthy especially for intestinal health. Recent research study shows intestinal health also affect brain and mental health. Since, dietary fibers are used as prebiotics, recommend to take probiotics together with dietary fibers for more efficacy. AZSP recommend Gluten-free diet or reduced Gluten diet and taking dietary fibers from beans, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, instead of taking fine-particle powdered dietary fibers from supplements to avoid intestinal issue.please refer Gluten-free diet People who have intolerance with some types of dietary fibers, should not take dietary fibers from fine-particle powdered supplements. It could cause more issues with your health, since fine-particle powdered dietary fibers will be more in contact with a larger area of inner surface of intestine. People who eat a lot of breads tend to lack of dietary fibers. Make sure you eat breads with dietary fibers, whole grain breads. People who eat white rice also may need to replace with brown rice for more dietary fibers. And those also reduce GI, glucose index and blood sugar level as well. As same as blood glucose level, cholesterol level could be reduced with dietary fibers. And it would help to excrete cholesterol out of the body as well.

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