Probiotics - Types and effects of lactic acid bacteria

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Types and classification of lactic acid bacteria

The names of lactic acid bacteria are formed in the order of "genus / species / strain". For example, "Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain" means that it is a Shirota strain of the Lactobacillus casei species.

According to the Intestinal Microbiology Society, the basic properties and genetic information of lactic acid bacteria are almost identical for the same "species". On the other hand, it seems that there is a huge difference in health effectiveness depending on the strains. It is said that 99.9% of human genes are the same as other people, but each person are very different. Lactic acid bacteria are currently classified into more than 380 types, but if you include the strains, they are even more diverse. When choosing a lactic acid bacterium, it is advisable to examine its effect not only on species such as "Bulgaria" and "Lactobacillus gasseri" but also on strains.

Animal lactic acid bacteria and plant lactic acid bacteria

In the description of lactic acid bacteria, the terms "animal lactic acid bacteria" and "vegetable lactic acid bacteria" are sometimes used.

"Vegetable lactic acid bacteria" grow on plant matter, can feed on various things such as glucose and sucrose, are strong against salt, and easily reach the intestines-generally said to be so. However, some argue that such a classification is not scientifically correct.

For example, the bacteria that live in fish sauce and salted fish may be the same species as the bacteria that grow in miso and soy sauce. Regarding bacteria that are isolated from both plants and animals, the Gut Bacterial Society states that "there is no difference in microbiological properties (depending on the source of isolation)."

When choosing lactic acid bacteria, it seems better to pay attention to the characteristics of each strain and strain rather than "animal or plant".

List of popular lactic acid bacteria - Types and effectiveness

Lactic acid bacteria with a wide variety of bacterial species and strains. Among them, here is the list for lactic acid bacteria that are deeply involved in human life.

Bacterial species

Expected Effectiveness

Contained food


Leuconostoc mesenteroides

Intestinal environment improvement, anti-obesity effect (NTM048)

Kimchee, soy milk yogurt, etc

Nitro Pharma confirmed that polysaccharide produced by “L. mesenteroides NTM048” has an efficacy for gut micrbiota

Pediococcus acidilactici

Reduction of triglyceride in blood (R037 strain)

Enhanced IgA production (K15)

Fermented rice-bran paste, Fermented milk, etc

Effectiveness of reducing triglyceride lactic acid bacterium Pediococcus acidilactici R037 (Kaneka Corporation New release 2012.06.19)

Lactobacillus plantarum

Immunostimulation, periodontal disease improving effect (HK L-137)

Pickles, kimchee, sardines sushi, wine, sourdough, soy milk yogurt, etc

HK L-137 Evidence Center information

Lactobacillus brevis

Intestinal flora improvement, anxiety improvement effect (KB290)

Pickles, kimchee, cucumber pickles, etc

Lactobacillus brevis KB290 is expected to reduce the amount of laxatives used by patients with chronic constipation and improve mood conditions such as anxiety (Kagome News Release 2011.06.16)

Lactobacillus delbrueckii

Cold prevention effect (1073 R-1)

Yogurt, cheese, etc

Utilization of bio-exopolysaccharide produced by yogurt lactic acid bacteria Effect of culture conditions

ヨーグルト乳酸菌が産生する菌体外多糖の利用と培養条件の影響(original Japanese version)

Streptococcus thermophilus

Cold prevention effect (ST9618)

Constipation improvement, skin function improvement effect (1131)

Yogurt, cheese, soy milk yogurt, etc

Confirmed cold symptoms prevention effect of Streptococcus thermophilus ST9618, a lactic acid bacterium used in Chichiyasu yogurt

Verified skin function improving effectiveness of yogurt using LB81 lactic acid bacteria

LB81乳酸菌を使用したヨーグルトの皮膚機能改善効果に関する検証(Original Japanese version)

Lactobacillus casei

Immune regulation, allergy suppression effect (Shirota)

Yogurt, cheese, sourdough, etc

Lactobacillus casei YIT 9029 (Lactobacillus casei Shirota) Allergy-suppressing effect: mechanism of action and potential for clinical application

乳酸菌シロタ株のアレルギー抑制効果:作用機序と臨床応用への可能性(original Japanese version)

Lactococcus lactis

Skin immunity / barrier function enhancing effect (JCM 5805)

Cheese, sour cream, such as fermented butter

Confirmed the effectiveness of enhancing skin immunity and barrier function by ingesting plasma lactic acid bacteria

Tetragenococcus halophilus

Anti-allergic effect (MN45)

Soy sauce, miso, fish sauce, salted squid, etc

Miso-derived salt-tolerant lactic acid bacterium “MN45” with anti-allergic effect

The "expected effects" in the table above are just one example. Some strains have been shown to have various effects, and many strains are not listed here. Since there are innumerable strains of lactic acid bacteria, there will be many strains and health effects that will be clarified by future experiments.

Many fermented foods contain multiple lactic acid bacteria. According to Lee Mun-sung (2009) "Progress in research on lactic acid bacteria in Korean kimchi", it is known that lactic acid bacteria of different species predominate in kimchi in low-temperature fermentation and medium-temperature fermentation. As the time changes, the predominant bacteria and the detected bacteria also change.

It was reported that the genus Leuconostoc predominates in the early stage of fermentation of kimchi, and the genus Lactobacillus predominates after the middle stage of fermentation. In particular, most of the genus Leuconostoc in the early stage of fermentation is Leuc.mesenteroides, which is considered to be strongly involved in the flavor of kimchi, and most of the genus Lactobacillus after the middle stage of fermentation is Lb.plantarum, which accompanies overfermentation. Reported to be involved in the acidity of kimchi

" Reference: Progress in Lactic Acid Bacteria Research in Korean Kimchi," Milk Science Vol.58, 2009. ”  (original Japanese version)

The types and numbers of lactic acid bacteria in general fermented foods are not constant. Since the bacterial species and strains differ depending on the product, it is difficult to say "Kimchi contains this bacterium and this effect" and "Nukazuke contains this bacterium and this effect" . Foods contain many types of lactic acid bacteria, and their health effects have been realized in the long history of humankind, but if you want a specific effect, you can buy products or supplements with clear bacterial species and effects. You should take it.

The types and numbers of lactic acid bacteria in general fermented foods are not constant. Since the bacterial species and strains differ depending on the product, it is difficult to say "Kimchi contains this bacterium and this effect" and "Nukazuke contains this bacterium and this effect" . Foods contain many types of lactic acid bacteria, and their health effects have been realized in the long history of humankind, but if you want a specific effect, you can buy products or supplements with clear bacterial species and effects. You should take it.

" Reference: Shigeo Miyao" Pickles and Microorganisms ", Modern Media Volume 61"  (original Japanese version)

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