Probiotics - Types and effects of lactic acid bacteria

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Popular types of lactic acid bacteria used in yogurt and probiotics beverages

In the international standard of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was established by FAO and WHO-defined, Bulgaria bacteria (Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus) and thermophilus bacteria have those which are lactic acid fermented by (Streptococcus thermophilus) is defined as yogurt.

The Japanese standard does not specify the type of lactic acid bacteria, but it seems that many of them are made by adding Lactobacillus gasseri, Casei, Bifidobacterium, etc. to Bulgarian bacteria or Thermophilus bacteria.

Strains of fermented milk (yogurt, probiotics beverages

Bacterial species name

Strain name

Features, expected effects, etc.

CaseiL. (Lactobacillus casei)


It reaches the intestine alive

It has been reported that it has an intestinal regulating effect, an immune maintenance effect, and a bladder cancer recurrence prevention effect


Strong adsorption to the intestinal wall

Blocking the adsorption of pathogenic bacteria to the intestinal wall, immunity maintenance, Helicobacter pylori inhibitory effect, reduction of enzymes related to carcinogens derived from intestinal bacteria

Rhamnosus L. (Lactobacillus rhamnosus)


Strong against gastric acid and bile

Expected to have life-prolonging effect and anti-tumor effect

Immune maintenance effect, intestinal environment improving effect, infant autopsy expression suppressing effect

Delbruechii Subsp L. Bulgaricus (Lactobacillus Bulgaricus)


Excellent intestinal regulation

Gasser I L. (Lactobacillus gasseri)

Gasserie SP

Highly fixed in the large intestine

Excellent intestinal environment improvement effect


Improvement of gastric mucosa

Effective for suppressing Helicobacter pylori, which is one of the causes of gastric ulcer and gastric cancer

Lactis B. (Bifido bacterium lactis)

FK12 LKM512 Bb-12

Acid and bile resistance

Effective in improving the intestinal environment in the large intestine

Breve B. (Bifido bacterium brev)

Yakult Bifidobacterium

Medically confirmed to have an intestinal regulating effect in clinical trials

Relieves sore in the large intestine and reduce symptoms of ulcerative colitis

Helveticus L. (Lactobacillus helveticus)


Increase good bacteria, decrease bad bacteria



The effect of shortening the intestinal transit Tim of food

References: Yoshimi Benno (2010) "Complementary / Alternative Medical Probiotics" (Kinhodo)

Although each strain has its own characteristics, according to Yoshimi Benno's "Complementary / Alternative Medical Probiotics" (Kinhodo), intestinal bacteria have a unique composition depending on the individual.

And the subject of intestinal bifidobacteria is increased when administered the strain Shirota, there is also the experimental result that there is a subject not affected at all, in choosing a lactic acid bacteria, including yogurt is compatible with the individual's intestine It is considered important.

You have to actually try the compatibility with the intestines with your own body, so when you try yogurt, probiotics drinks, supplements and so on, continue for about 2 weeks and see if you can feel the effect.

How to choose probiotics beverage ?

A popular probiotics drink or lactic acid bacteria beverage that is easier than yogurt and easy for children to continue every day. For those who "get lost because there are various types!", Here are some points to consider when choosing a probiotics beverage.

1st check point: Strain

First, check the strains used in probiotics beverages! Check the scientifically proven effects and the effects expected from the experimental results, and select a probiotics beverage that has the desired effect for sure.

2nd check point: Number of lactic acid bacteria

There is no clear study on how many lactic acid bacteria should be ingested for health benefits.

According to Tomotari Mitsuoka's "Eating Habits for Healthy and Longevity" (Iwanami Active Shinsho), "When taking probiotics as a viable agent for lactic acid bacteria, it is recommended to take at least 1 billion at a time ." However, there is also data such as "The palliative effect of ulcerative Escherichia coli was seen by administering 200 to 300 billion bifidobacteria a day ", and only by administering lactic acid bacteria at a high concentration as well. There seems to be an effect that can be obtained.

Also, when taking antibiotics for the treatment of illness, taking twice the amount of lactic acid bacteria as usual will alleviate the side effects of antibiotics to some extent. Not only the bacterial species, but also the number of lactic acid bacteria contained in the product is likely to be a key point when choosing a probiotics beverage.

References: Tomotari Mitsuoka "Eating Habits for Healthy Longevity" (Iwanami Active Shinsho)

3rd check point: Consider amount of sugar intake

When you drink probiotic drinks, you are concerned about the amount of sugar intake.

If you take large amounts of lactic acid bacteria from yogurts or probiotic beverages, choose one from sugar-free and also low-fat, if possible.

" Tomotari Mitsuoka "Eating Habits for Healthy Longevity" (Iwanami Active Shinsho) ”

Soft drinks that do not contain dietary fiber can be drunk quickly, but they also raise blood sugar levels quickly. It's a good idea to choose one that has as low sugar content as possible, or one that uses oligosaccharides that feed lactic acid bacteria instead of sugar .

If you are refraining sugar intake, we recommend that you choose a sugar-free supplement instead of a probiotic drink.

Q & A about the types of lactic acid bacteria

What is the difference between bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria?

Bifidobacterium mainly inhabits the intestinal tract of humans and animals. It cannot grow in the presence of oxygen and is not found in many fermented foods like lactic acid bacteria.

If you have lactic acid bacteria that can lose weight, please tell me the type.

There are several lactic acid bacteria that are said to reduce fat, and the main ones are "Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 strain" and "Lactobacillus amylobolus lactic acid bacterium CP1563 strain".

What kind of lactic acid bacteria are used in sake?

The manufacturing method of incorporating lactic acid bacteria into sake for the purpose of eliminating various germs is called "raw sardine making". There are two main types of lactic acid bacteria involved in "raw sardine making": Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus sakei. These lactic acid bacteria are not contained in the finished sake because they are killed by the lactic acid they produce.

If there are many types of lactic acid bacteria ingested, may they fight in the intestines?

Good bacteria are friends who prefer an acidic environment. Although they may compete for food, they do not adversely affect each other and reduce the number.

What kind of lactic acid bacteria should I choose? I am a kind of lost, because there are so many.

Scientifically proven effects can also be helpful, but you won't know if it's compatible with your body until you try it. First, continue to take it for 2 weeks to test its compatibility with your body.

- To be continied -

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